Friday, March 7, 2008

Jon's Surgery Day

Sorry it has been so long, but I am finally going to post a blog!!!

Jon had surgery on his left shoulder today to replace/repair the tendion he tore from his separated shoulder in November during a football game. He is doing well as to be expected.
We went in at 6:00 a.m. this morning to get prepped for the surgery. The nurse had a little trouble putting the ivy in the back of his hand, so she finally got it in his forearm. Only got stuck twice...not bad huh? Then the doctor came into start the anesthia. They gave him a nerve his neck. Well, lets just say poor Jon got stuck twice there too. The first time he found the nerve, Jon moved his head and the doctor lost the nerve. So on the second try it was a success. Poor Jon..hadn't even made it to the operating room yet. He was feeling no pain though. That whole scenario of events I could have gone without seeing. I was ushered to the waiting room at about 6:55 a.m. to wait. The surgery lasted about 2 hours and the doctor said all went well. Probably the longest 2 plus hours of my life.
Jon Boy was a little slow and had a couple of issue coming out of the anesthia, but he did well. We made it home around 1 p.m. The first thing out of his mouth was "Mom, where is my phone?" I got a chuckle out of that. He has been sleeping most of the day. I have been giving him his pain medication on a regular basis just trying to keep him comfortable. He has had several visitors and phone calls today that even though he might not express it, he has enjoyed very much.
Brodie is doing well....he is a little disappointed that the Baylor basketball home games are done. He really enjoyed visiting with all of his friends. He will miss it. But, on the bright side they are on Spring Break next week.
Chris is doing well too....he is a manager for the JV and Varsity track team and enjoys it a bunch. He keeps times and stats for the coaches and helps with the equipment. He is getting up early tomorrow to go to a track meet in Academy.
I am hoping I can figure out to attach some before and after pictures of Jon...not sure if I can figure it out. I might need to get my kids to help me figure it out. I will post more this weekend on what the tribe is up to. Take care.


Grammy Jenn said...

Im glad that Jon made it through surgery (and you too!) Hugs & kisses!

Big Bear said...

glad he survived and the part from the salvage yard fit. Looking forward to thesweet cheeks pix on the blog, ha ha ha

B.E.A.L. said...

Glad to hear that all went well with jon...he's a tough cookie! also glad to hear you are hangin' in there too! LOVE the post...keep them coming!

I didn't know dad knew how to post a comment on blogs! :)

Sister/Aunt Becky said...

Happy Jon's surgery went well. Hope he recovers quickly and is a good patient. Men/boys are the worst.

Grammy Jenn said...

Ok, Im jealous, you got a comment from Dad....I didnt know he could do that!

Grammy Jenn said...

You have been "tagged" by me...see Erin's blog for details!